Ayurveda and health

Understanding Ayurveda (click to read blog) and the implications of your unique constitution of the 5 elements (dosha type) can help to guide activities, diet, rest, sleep and and day-to-day routine that works with your body-mind-spirit to optimise health and wellbeing.

There are reasons why some of us wake early and find mornings energising and inspiring, and some of us like to sleep in, find energy in the evenings and are consistently steady in nature. The same reasons dictate our love, and cravings for certain activities, foods and friends. Yet we really can get too much of a good thing and feel equally out of sorts when we do, or have too much of something, as we do when it / they are missing from our day-to-day lives.

Doshic imbalance(s) contribute to signs, symptoms, cause, frequency and intensity of many stress and lifestyle diseases and conditions. This is where Ayurvedic assessment and lifestlye guidance can help identify, address and re-balance our own, unique constitution to enable us to thrive.

Ayurvedic assessment and lifestlye guidance

At MoveWell we are uniquely situated to be able to provide Ayurvedic assessment and lifestyle consultation that draws on the theory and practices of Ayurveda, Yoga therapy and extensive experience in Western medicine and healthcare (see Jane’s bio). Knowledge and practice from these different models of health can help you to understand common lifestyle-related diseases & the influence that daily activities, sleep routine, food & lifestyle choices can have on ease vs. dis-ease.

Ayurvedic lifestyle consultation

What can I expect?

Our preliminary consultation sessions are 60 minutes to include assessment, learning and individualised health guidance including relevant components of:

  • Personal dosha assessment - identify your elemental balance and underlying constitution

    *required in all consultations

  • Dietary recommendations - food types, timing, understanding cravings, optimising digestive function

  • Activity, sleep and rest guidance - work with your dosha & the Aurvedic clock to optimise energy, rest and productivity

move well, breathe well, be well - ayurvedic consult & health plan

If you already know that you would like to include movement, breath or meditation in your day-to-day commitment to wellbeing we offer a 75 min session to include ayurvedic assessment (as above) + a written health plan that can include individualised:

  • Movement-based practice / selected asana (yoga postures - sequence)

  • Mindfulness and / or meditation practice

  • Breathwork - individualised awareness, practice (pranayama), evaluation (using breath as an intuitive guide for health & dis-ease)

follow up

Our 45 min follow up sesssions provide an opportunity to evaluate your progress, findings and outcomes as a basis for modification, refinement and adaptation to lifestyle recommendations and / or health plan content. There are usually lots of questions and intrigue once simple Ayurvedic principles make their way into your life and day-to-day activities! It’s a fascinating philosophy and way of life.