Zucchini Kasundi

A delicious spiced Indian relish with immune, metabolic, and digestive health benefits - use as it is, or as a base for a delicious coconut, or tomato based curry. A great way to preserve your excess vegetables or fruit for a tasty, long lasting pantry staple.

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Jane HardcastleMoveWell
Silverbeet mallung recipe

If your winter silverbeet, or spinach is starting to bolt as the ground warms up try this delicious light, fresh, spicy, tender coconut and chilli silverbeet curry for an antioxidant, vitamin boost that can help your body release toxins and build healthy red blood cells.

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Jane HardcastleMoveWell
What is complete decongestive therapy?

Clear accumulated ama (waste products and unmetabolised compounds) from your body-mind with complete decongestive therapy. When we combine manual lymphatic drainage with diaphragmatic release, breathwork, and specific movement practices the natural waste disposal and cleansing functions of your body-mind can be optimised, or given a kick start into doing what they need to do with more ease.

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Jane HardcastleMoveWell
Taking care with breathwork

With different opinions about exercises, practices and beliefs about how to breathe for optimal health it can be confusing. The truth is there is non one breath practice that suits every body, every time. As unique individuals with different constitutions, health balance, structures and stressors we need an individualised approach

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Adenomyosis / endometriosis / pelvic pain

Whether it’s adenomyosis, endometriosis, fibroids, perimenopause, or post surgical recovery - pelvic pain can create a debilitating cycle of inflammation, immobility, restriction, more pain, and more inflammation. Yoga therapy can open up the possibility of fuller breath, subtle pelvic floor and diaphragmatic activation and the movement required to minimise back pain, pelvic tension, and bladder weakness.

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How to hack dominant upper traps!

If you commonly find your shoulders migrate up to your ears, shoulder muscles are tired and tight, or headaches and upper back tension are frequent companions, read on for some tricks and tips to retrain dominant upper trapezius muscles.

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Age is not a barrier to movement

Whilst we may not get away with injuries the way we used to as we age - age per-se, need not be a barrier to practicing yoga in a way that’s accessible, supportive and health giving to you. Regardless of age or restriction we can find a practice that suits each ‘body’ when we let go of expectations about what yoga is, and what it looks like.

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Jane Hardcastlemovewell
Kitchari recipe - Ayurvedic reset

When the Ama of incomplete digestion builds up in our body-mind systems we can feel un-ease, dis-ease, unwell, or off balance. Kitchari is a simple sattivc food that can soothe un-ease, facilitate the elimination of excess Ama and create greater harmony in body-mind digestion.

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Jane Hardcastlemovewell
Eating for energy - Ayurvedic tips for post viral recovery

Viral ilnesses like covid, colds and flu deplete our metabolic resources and can leave us feeling slow, sludgy, bogged down and in need of quick sources of energy from our food and drinks. However, the crash that comes after high energy foods enhances the abundant qualities of Kpaha dosha the can hang around, sapping energy levels and motivation. Read on for some Ayurvedic tips to restoring energy balance by eating well.

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Jane HardcastleMoveWell
Somatic yoga for hypermobility

Practicing yoga when your body is hypermobile can be confusing, and injurious. Somatic yoga provides endless opportunity to get to know your unique mind-body, learn to feel, sense and expereince its wisdom, and build trust through movement and interoceptive awareness. Read saomtic yoga teacher Emma’s story here

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Jane HardcastleMoveWell
Purau valley marmalade recipe

Fresh & zingy marmalade is a delicious way to preserve your citrus as they ripen in winter & early spring. I’m lucky enough to be surrounded by dear friends with Purau valley citrus trees a plenty to be able to add orange, grapefruit and mandarins to our own lemons and limes for this delicious 5 fruit marmalade recipe.

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Jane HardcastleMoveWell
Finding your breath after Covid

Any respiratory infection can really knock energy levels, but pesky viruses like covid and flu can hang around, and limit our ability to breathe in ways that access the entire lung fields and diaphragm. This persistent cycle feeds into fatigue and depletes immunity, making it harder to shift the bugs and get back to normal.

Yoga therapy can help free the breath using myofascial bodywork, making it easier to then access simple breathwork that can restore energy and vatality to help you get well. If you’re sick of feeling sick, read on.

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Jane HardcastlemoveWell