What is complete decongestive therapy?

If you’re experiencing a sense of sluggishness, stagnancy, swelling, bloating, overwhelm, or brain fog your body is telling you that there is an imbalance between waste product presence and your ability to clear and remove these potentially toxic compounds.

This can happen steadily through accumulation:

  • Consuming certain foods that are challenging for your digestion to break down and absorb. These stay in your ‘system’ for longer, effectively slowing down the clearance of other waste and harmful compounds

  • Consuming small, yet frequent quantities of the foods that don’t suit your constitution

  • Steady build up due to incomplete metabolism and/or absorption

  • The same applies to activities - doing too much, too long, too often of the things that challenge your digestive fire and / or nervous system

  • …and through overwhelmed, but functional lymphatic vessels, ducts and nodes that are doing their best, only to leave residual amounts toxic and harmful compounds each day, or week

It can also happen through one, or more overload experiences:

  • Challenged immunity - following a virus, cold or other infection

  • Challenged mobility - prolonged or repetitive sedentary times, injury, or movement restriction

  • Prolonged, or excessive stress - stimulating larger volumes of adrenaline and cortisol

  • Low mood, serotonin and dopamine levels

In Ayurveda this waste is referred to as Ama (waste products and incompletely metabolised compounds). This excess ama is what creates dis-ease and the symptoms noted above (and many more).

Complete decongestive therapy

Clears Ama from your body-mind

Complete decongestive therapy

Combines manual lymphatic drainage with diaphragmatic release, breathwork, and specific movement practices that can assist the natural waste disposal and cleansing functions of your body-mind.

By combining, or adding therapies ama clearance can be given a kick start by supporting the natural systems we have for metabolism, absorption and removal so that they can do what they need to do with more ease.

  • Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) supports flow of lymph through vessels, glands and ducts to boost lymphatic circulation where you need it most.

    These treatments are usually effective to boost clearance for 2-4 days per treatment.

  • Diaphragmatic release and breathwork mobilises the diaphragm muscle that, when working and moving well, effectively pumps fluid through the main thoracic duct (one of the major branches of lymphatic circulation), the lumbar lymph nodes, and pelvic lymphnodes.

    This prolongs the effectiveness and efficiency of MLD with each directed breath!

  • Selective movement practices further support each of the above treatments by integrating whole body lymphatic stimulation through simultaneous movement and breath practices.

    Depending on where your lymphatics are most challenged, overwhelmed, or congested - an individualised movement plan can give your lymphatic system, body-mind and circulatory systems an additional boost with each practice session.

    How often you do this is up to you!

If you’re interested to learn more, send us an email to team@movewell.net.nz or book in for lymphatic drainage and we’ll go from there.

Jane HardcastleMoveWell