Age is not a barrier to movement

Whilst we may not get away with injuries the way we used to as we age - age per-se, need not be a barrier to practicing yoga in a way that’s accessible, supportive and health giving to you. Regardless of age or restriction we can find a practice that suits each ‘body’ when we let go of expectations about what yoga is, and what it looks like.

We specialise in individual assessment, functional movement, and finding strength through softness - whatever your age, or ability.

Yoga therapy

Yoga therapy offers a 121 opportunity to discuss your whole body-mind health, and what you may be looking for as a way of moving, breathing, and being at ease in your current stage of life and ability. From here Jane can help find a practice that you can do safely at home, alongside Jane in session, or how to move in your unique body to be able to join a small group class.

I worked with a delightful 93 year old client last week to find some movement practice that she could do to relieve her back and hip pain.

Whilst she'd have loved to attend a class to be with others, lack of independent transport meant that home self-practice was her best option - and available whenever she needs to move, breathe and feel better about being in the achy body that has been her vehicle for 93 years.

She rang me the next day to say how well she'd slept and how much better her back and hip pain were, and how excited she is to see me again this week. 

Dr Jane Hardcastle - yoga therapist

Book here for yoga therapy

Gentle yoga

Gentle yoga is a regular , small group yoga class that is specifically designed for people with movement restriction, movement challenges, lack of confidence in their movement or strength, or simply a desire to move slowly and mindfully to achieve greater harmony and relaxation. We create a supportive, social, fun environment of shared exploration, laughter, deep rest and body-mind awareness that supports attendees through each week.

Click here to read more about this class

Tuesdays at 5.15pm

book here

Jane Hardcastlemovewell