Can yoga therapy help with pain management?

absolutely yes!

Whether you, or someone you know, has:

  • Back pain

  • Neck pain

  • Shoulder troubles

  • Hip & sacroiliac (SI) pain

  • Pelvic pain

  • Knee pain

  • Foot & ankle pain

  • Headaches

  • Stiff & achy joints

  • Muscular holding patterns

    …think that glute, hamstring or hip flexor that won’t let go no matter how much stretching you do!

  • Neck / shoulder upper back tension because of a breathing pattern that has developed subconsciously – like over breathing, breath holding, hyperventilation or excessive belly breathing

  • Chronic, acute, or acute on chronic pain

  • Medication management


MoveWell yoga therapy is a supportive, educational approach that can help people understand and minimise, if not eliminate, pain, discomfort or ‘unease’ that develops from movement or breathing patterns that are dysfunctional. These patterns invariably develop because of a need to feel safe – whether this is physical, emotional, or psychological. This can happen with injury, disease, or trauma and can affect the way people hold, and move their body, or the way they breathe.

Observing the ways that people move can reveal patterns of behaviour that are often unknown to the person and yet detrimental to their health. These patterns become subconscious habits and can reinforce ways of moving that cause pain, restriction or overuse of alternative muscle groups, leading to imbalance.

A yoga therapist can identify these ‘less helpful’ patterns and teach people how to create and maintain different ways of moving that can minimise, if not eliminate pain by changing habits.

  • Range of movement can be improved with manual therapy and passive movement so that the person can then feel or experience greater freedom

    – essentially how it could feel to move that arm, hip, back or shoulder.

  • Once space to move has been created and muscles released of their ‘holding’ duties – the person can then be guided to create functional movement patterns and build the strength and stability to maintain ithem

Our aim is to enable the right balance of mobility and stability for each person, each experience of pain, and every ‘body’– knowing that each person and situation is unique, affected by multiple factors, and responsive in different ways.
